After a break … I’m back with the blog

“Life is a blog, everyday you write a new story”

With this quote in mind I started this blog, in the summer of last year. To write about my personal feelings on beeing on the spectrum and getting some bad comments about it.

Even now I get reactions ‘you’re not Autistic, you don’t look like the dude from Rainman’. Well, I’m on the spectrum but I’m totally different than ‘Rainman’. I can communicate, I just love fashion and shoes, I’m in with what’s going on with life around me, I can you shopping and pick something that’s fits me, I can clean, I can cook (with recipes), etc…


I have problems fitting in when I’m the new one, I can’t make new friends without sharing a big love for shoes or Disney(Land), I need a lot of lists, a good planner, can’t stand in a waiting line, can’t go to concerts, can’t work in an office with a lot of people … and the list is kind of never ending.

The past months were like crazy. Moving out, working all summer, getting a dog to stay for a week, now getting a cat, while I still have mine at my parents home.
So yeah, a lot of changes, and a lot of changes will still come in the next weeks. But HEY I can handle this !

With that said ….

Welcome to my blog, or welcome back to read some more stuff about fashion, lifestyle

Moving out …

So beeing here on my own with a cat called Tijger (he’s the gast and react like he’s the king of this house), is very nice.

The first 2 months were kind of hard, but now with this cat in the house I finally can call this home my home.

The only thing needed in my house was a cat, not the furniture !

Country music all day long, drawning, just having some more me space is really nice after 30 years šŸ™‚ !

So for the future things look great here, never thought I would say this out loud or just put it here on my blog.


I’m now without a voice at the moment. That really sucks ! I miss work, really want to work but I can’t till Monday. My voice is better, I can go outside but I just must avoid little kids because they could get it too. The ironic thing … while helping a sick kid in store last week I have to stay at home all week.

Yesterday I went to do some grocery shopping, because I needed some precious fresh air. Well yeah felt so tired after but glad I could you outside and smell the after summer fall weather again !

So next week I can’t wait to go back to work before I’m on vacation for a week. I kind of really really really love beeing a shoeseller and give people advice about their shoes.

Like this season when Dr. Martens are back in fashion and the Fila Disruptors. Oh the good old 90s are back !

Wearing the Buffalo boots or shoes again this season … well I still love them but I’m not convinced yet. I have ordered a pair at work but really don’t know untill I fit them.

Oh yess, doing your passion every day you can go to work. What is better than that ! Nothing can beat the amazing feeling I have when working in that incredible team!

The past days

So while beeing sick I managed to go grocery shopping. Okay I was grumpy because it was too crowded and off course had to go twice as I forgot some things.
Even with a list I forget things when there are a lot of people in the store.

I even went to Ikea just to pick up some items I really miss in my new house. Everytime I was cooking or baking I had to invent because I was missing the equipement in the kitchen like big spoons etc.

Guess most childern where out of school and had the same idea to go to Ikea. OMGosh. Luckely I had a list and only took everything on the list but I was so happy to be home.

Here are some pictures of the new Ikea store we have here at Zaventem, Belgium. The recently redecorated the store and it really looks beautiful but it’s such a different not knowing where everything was.

The large 3 sit couch is still on my wishlist šŸ™‚ even as those lamps for 12,99 each. Guess I need around 20 lamps like that so budget wise it will still be on the list for a while.


I needed some fysio for my right hand because the pain kills me everyday. I have fibromyalgia, but this was apart from that.

So my fysio told me to stop eating carbs, stop eating sugar and quit drinking cola zero. Sorry for the Coca Cola Company but I almost drank 2L of that soda everyday šŸ˜®

I started with small steps on September 17, had a bad day September 20 when I had an event at work, but ever since that one bad day I made it to live without sugar, carbs, and most of all without Coke Zero. OMG is that last one such a positive influence on my budget at the grocery store.

Lost about 4kg, but I can’t really see the difference yet. I guess that will come in a few weeks when I’m totally off all those products !

Today was another bad, cheat, day. I went away for the day to shoot some pictures and ended up at Mc Donalds. I took just a normal hamburger with a bacon and cheese salad. Well, okay it’s not good. It’s wel better than eating a Big Mac, a hamburger and a large Coke Zero (no fries, as I hate fries ! yess living in the land of fries and I hate them).

For dinner I still have some leftover pumpkinlasagne, like the way Steffi Vertriest made it. Very good, and lots of pumpkin. Totally love to eat pumpkins every single day.

Let’s end this blog

I’m so proud of myself to renew this blog. I had a premium account here on wordpress but I made the discission to go back to the free one. The last months I hadn’t had much energy to put in this blog. Now I got the free version again I’m totally back.

The lay-out looks nothing like my style but this temporary.

So I really hope you all liked reading this blogpost, and I hope that you will come back to my page for more. If you want you can also like my blog and set it in your favorites.

For more frequent and daily updates on life and on fashion/shoes … please check out my Instagram page @autistccountry

Now blog, means a new ending to this posts …. I can now close every blog with a little note and using my real name insteat of Lucy. NOW i’m ready to share this with the whole world !

Liesbeth, it is !

So let’s end this in a good way…

Lot’s of love and have a great weekend xx Liesbeth



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